
Henbury parish is the largest in Bristol diocese and includes the districts of Henbury, Brentry and Hallen as well as the Blaise Castle estate and the Mall shopping centre at Cribbs Causeway.


On the outside, St Mary’s looks like a typical picture postcard parish church. On the inside you will find that we have removed some of the pews to create a platform and a more welcoming entrance. Our worship is enhanced by our lively Director of Music, James, and our singing group. 


Our vicar is the Rev. Jae Chandler.


We would be delighted to welcome you to our Sunday services which are:

10.00am Holy Communion


11.15am      Ministry of Healing Service

takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month &

includes the "Laying on of Hands".


During term-time, the Junior Church meets in the village hall (a large building adjacent to the church) during the 10 a.m. service, joining the rest of the congregation in the church building for communion and the last song. We also have a children’s corner in church for younger children who wish to stay with their parents.   Sometimes we have an all-age service in the church, with more child friendly worship and activities related to the theme of the service dotted around the building.


After the 10 am service people gather in the village hall for coffee, biscuits and fellowship. Sometimes we have Sunday lunches, either ‘bring and share’ or provided by the Mother’s Union. We organise regular social events such as outings to the theatre, day trips, and parish away-days.


Do come and join us and we look forward to meeting you.









St Mary the Virgin Church

Church Close,


BS10 7QF



0117 9593 757







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© St Mary's Church - Parish of Henbury