Reaching out in love and service

The Mothers' Union is an international Christian membership charity that aims to demonstrate the Christian faith in action through the transformation of communities worldwide.


St. Mary’s Mothers' Union

Jen Horgan, M.U. Branch Leader


The Mothers’ Union is a women-led Christian movement with four million members across the world. At St Mary’s our activities are open to all: women, men, married, unmarried, parents, non-parents. Prayer is central to what we do. As an organisation the MU is involved in concerns such as modern day slavery, domestic abuse, gender based violence, homelessness and work with refugees and asylum seekers.


Plan for our activities in 2024

Thursday February 8th - Horfield Branch Meeting - speaker Jacky Fredrickson


Wednesday February 14th -  Ash Wednesday Service in church 7.00pm


Thursday February 15th - Speaker Revd, Rod Cosh at Judy Dunn's house


Thursday March 14th - Speaker Daphne Spitzer at Jen Horgan's house


Thursday March 28th - Maundy Thursday 7pm Service in church


Thursday April 18th - Theatre trip. Hedda at Tobacco Factory


Sunday May 12th - Christian Aid poverty lunch after morning service


Thursday May 23rd - Crafting Meeting at Fran's House


Thursday June 13th - Deanery Festival at Henbury Church 2.00pm


Thursday July 18th - Afternoon outing TBA


Thursday September 19th - Speaker Andrew Bennett at Jen's house


Sunday October 13th - Harvest Lunch after the service


Thursday October 17th - Wave of prayer at Jen's house


Thursday November 21st - Games evening at Fran's house


Thursday December 19th - Poetry evening & American Supper at Fran's house


Thursday January 16th - Meeting to discuss 2025 programme at Jen's house


All home based meetings at 7.30pm



Fran Greenfield, Branch Secretary



For more information about the work of Mothers' Union both nationally and overseas please visit or

We are located at:

Church Close, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 7QF


Office in Vestry Hall open from 9am-1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

Contact us today

If you have any queries  please contact us:


Tel: 0117 959 3757 


Safeguarding supports everything that we do

  •  Do you have a question about something that you have seen/heard/feel about something? Then talk to Alan.

  • He can offer support and guidance as part of the recruitment process for volunteer roles in the church (including DBS checks).

  • Are you concerned about someone or yourself? Alan can direct and support you.

If you have a concern that you wish to report, please contact whichever of the following you feel is most appropriate.

Alan Emond, Parish Safeguarding Officer

07773 141838

Police 999

Bristol City Council, Social Services: adult 0117 9222700, children 0117 9036444



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© St Mary's Church - Parish of Henbury